Watch Election Night live: America Votes #finsubito agevolazioni
Join us on Tuesday November 5 from 10pm GMT for through-the-night coverage from our Washington studio as the vote count begins and it becomes clearer who will be the next…
Join us on Tuesday November 5 from 10pm GMT for through-the-night coverage from our Washington studio as the vote count begins and it becomes clearer who will be the next…
🇺🇸🗳️ The day has arrived: millions of Americans heading to the polls to choose between two presidential candidates who remain neck and neck in the polls. Democratic candidate and Vice…
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🇺🇸🗳️ Donald Trump officially won the US presidential election on Wednesday morning, after a heated campaign against President Joe Biden and later Vice President Kamala Harris. The Associated Press agency…
🇺🇸🗳️ Il giorno è arrivato: milioni di americani si recano alle urne per scegliere tra due candidati presidenziali che sono testa a testa nei sondaggi. La candidata democratica e Vicepresidente…
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