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50 pensiero su “Bando Kd Arrrested 😳! #finsubito agevolazioni”
  1. I don't care how no man feel Chicago 🥷🏽's bums when it comes to to taking care of their seeds… Chief Keef, Lil Durk and now JMane… Them whoops ain't nun if you don't take care of yo kids foo…You pushing peace and not providing for your seeds… Let's start there‼️🤞🏾🤨

  2. Bro you're wrong for that obviously somebody told on him that he did it the other guys was in jail for 2 years so obviously he did it start with that it's a 12-year-old girl that got killed f*** that the police picked this goofy ass up he did it

  3. Eh…not the best take. I love your content and the things you push, but this ain't it. Your brother might not have meant to shoot a child, but he knowingly shot into a street knowing innocent people would for sure be there. All over a scuffle? Join the scuffle, you ain't gotta start shooting. Self defense is not shooting wildly because your boy is losing a fight. Add to that we saw the video of the shooting that Bando KD is being accused of and they literally shot at a passing car. You can't talk about pushing peace and then make amendments on what we should hold people accountable for. Your brother shot towards a street knowing innocent people would be there, he did not accidentally fire his weapon. He fired his weapon and didn't give a shit who it hit in that moment. The people in the potential Bando KD video either saw that child when they drove by and still shot or they shot blindly into a vehicle without a care in the world who all was in it. Trash either way. Should have left it at "Condolences/prayers/thoughts with the family of baby girl and we will see how this case plays out in the courts before we speak on Bando KD." and a call to stop the violence. Making excuses… just no.

  4. Man I woke up mad as hell over what happened to pewee longway longway.

    That shit hurt my soul, him and Gucci mane were the dynamic duo. Like the whoop man said, sometimes you get into an artist and your like “damn i really hope he stays out the way”.

    Then they get busted for trafficking with the cartel. I’m hurt man

  5. No they cooked you don’t draw down on someone fighting if it’s 1 vs 2 jump in to help you’re homie not shoot dummy it woulda been a fair fight so that’s murder 😢

  6. Skinny was at the gas station with lil bubba bubba start fighting the shorties was Beating him skinny went inside blew they ass down in the gas station and outside the gas station

  7. 12:10 "Can we really blame KD", YES! If that was your child you wouldn't even have sympathy or feel sorry. That's a little girl that died because of his goofy reckless behavior. There is no real excuse. Intentional or not. You can go your whole life without shooting a child.

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