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Now I’m gonna lie I was doing DoorDash last night and it was pay by delivery, but I noticed that the deliveries weren’t paying that much and they weren’t coming in that often so my money wasn’t adding up as fast as it normally does. I also noticed that they were doing a promo for the earn by time adding five dollars to every hour Meaning the pay by time hourly rate was $19 an hour. I was making so much more money when I switched over to earned by a time. I know that’s not always the case for DoorDash and the majority of the time it’s not but for me it ended up being more profitable than pay by delivery. Also, I was consistently getting more deliveries which meant I was spending more time on the clock plus I got lucky because every single one of my orders had a reasonable tip. When I started out for the first two hours last night, I was doing pay by delivery and I was getting really frustrated because some of the fast food drive-thus were taking a long time. When I switched over to earn my time with that lovely $19 an hour I was no longer worried about how much time it took me to complete a delivery. I was sitting in the drive-through thing and take as long as you want McDonald’s also, I was driving 5 mph below the speed limit on every single one of those earned by time deliveries. For me in my market, it just happened to be the more profitable way to earn on DoorDash last night.
I never once got that guarantee on gh when i legit was eligible i think it was because i just received no offers for over an hour. However yes just do some dang work vs taking the lazy way out
Yeah that’s craziness. But I believe some people are totally fine with making under $30k/year and being lazy and broke lol