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Kamala Harris stops by 'SNL' on final episode before election | USA TODAY Entertainment #finsubito agevolazioni


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Kamala Harris dropped by “Saturday Night Live” to offer some last minute advice to Maya Rudolph.

#KamalaHarris #MayaRudolph #SaturdayNightLive

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12 pensiero su “Kamala Harris stops by 'SNL' on final episode before election | USA TODAY Entertainment #finsubito agevolazioni”
  1. she can only function with a script, fake applause, and an air-time less than 5 minutes. this is the president America deserves but one we can't afford to have.

  2. And then Brendan Carr of the FCC says she violated election law because trump didn’t appear on SNL, which i doubt he ever will, because he is incapable of laughing at himself. I was immediately suspicious, and when i looked it up, he was a trump appointee! What are the odds? Yeah, the dubya administration made a total mess of the FCC, when they tanked the fairness doctrine. It used to be that no one could own more than one media outlet in a market, but murdoch must have made a sizable “donation” somewhere along the line, because the changed it for a man with no class. Now ruprecht owns the NY Post, the Wall Street Journal and Fox, and all in NYC. Big business is just like the worst phase of communism, they both make the middle class pay for their legislative bills that allow them to slide past regulations that allow them to make even more money without paying for it, and then sucking all the money out of the middle class and crushing them, and giving it all to the elites! And Reagan claimed to destroy Communism! Nope, it just let it come out in the open, by changing the description. They were really gangsters, the apex big business predators.
    As for trump on SNL, he doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to sit there and be made fun of. There would be massive toddler tantrum

  3. yikes, kamala just cannot make me laugh in a light hearted way – ever. the home i bought 4 years ago i pay $1800 for. under kamala today a person would pay $4300 plus for the same home! this is happening all across this country, and it is a severe crisis that she avoids talking in depth about as she distracts with fear and misinformation nonstop. 25k will not come close to making a payment affordable for any home in a safe neighborhood in this crisis she has hugely helped create!! nothing affordable under her leadership! everything looking 3rd world!

    speaking of 3rd world…kamala's aries moon is getting a little SELFISH. she will do absolutely anything for power including spewing hitler comparisons after 2 assassination attempts already likely incited by her and the vile women on the views rhetoric etc!! soooo much worse than trump's rudeness at times, tho i know he's not perfect. i'm just aware that the media makes millions from their out of context fear and hate about him and 99% is propaganda fear they sell. my heart breaks for melania trump knowing kamala is so selfish she is preying on the mentally ill and likely inciting another assassination attempt.

    another celebrity who i'm sure endorses kamala is JUSSIE SMOLLETT! his inspiration, in fact! kamala, joe and celebrities spewed nonstop white supremacy and racially divisive rhetoric concerning excessive force deaths. never once did they speak up for my unarmed white uncle's life or the true stats/facts about excessive force deaths which clearly show the topic isn't simply and only about race and white supremacy! far from it. their tactic is emotional appeal and fear, though, and exploiting out of context stories (and the past & race, etc).

    at the DNC kamala still brought up the "fine people on both sides" totally out of context misinformation that was used to win an election …yet proven totally out of context propaganda 7 years ago!! that alone shows her character, that she is not a critical thinker at all, pays no attention to details and cares less about full context and truth….she will say what it takes. period!

    all she's wasted everyones time on is spewing "trump's project 2025 agenda" misinformation DAILY. i used to vote democratic until i listened to both sides and clearly saw 99% out of kamala and joes mouths have been emotional appeal FEAR! it is a brand! meanwhile we have true crises that need focus!

    many of us pay $1400 for healthcare we can't even afford to use while charging groceries on a credit card! she lets millions break into our country and receive totally free OB, ER care and many other free benefits! very unfair and not all refugees BY FAR. i worked in the crisis, and I clearly saw how joe, kamala and celebrities preyed on emotions with their misinformation and emotional appeal regarding that subject!! it is definitely a very costly crisis, unfair to tax payers, and very unfair to those working so hard to come legally and respectfully to this country!
    kamala has let isis and other terrorists walk right in for 4 years!!!

    she is not truthful at all and preys on emotions! our country is looking 3rd world, and shelter is totally unaffordable!! celebrities don't know what real everyday americans are dealing with…

    also, one man at an nyc rally made an awful joke that everyone else condemned and joe called 250 million people trash. this is the problem with joe, kamala and their media's SEGREGATIONIST thinking. group brainwashing and segregationist thinking are the issues to fix. just like 1 officer caused them to incite hate against an entire professions for months on end!! there is bad in EVERY profession. so many suffered because of one mans actions. everyone is an INDIVIDUAL.
    the media called an entire room of people nazis. they are the ones with the same exact segregationist mindsets that caused the evils of the past!!! kamala's media MSNBC employs a woman, joy reid, who told all people with white skin to not talk about mlk because "WE" killed him. that is a frightening, segregationist mentality that is the exact cause of past evils. i am a soul who has nothing to do with what people in the past did….i am not skin pigment, genitals or a political party.

  4. Wow such a funny skit , it’s meant to be funny anyone who can’t laugh at them selves and takes him selfie herself to serious needs to a dose of joy , Oh wait ! That’s what Kamala rallies give Joy while trump is angry 😡 ahh ill take joy any day sorry millions found this skit funny Aswell some need to lighten up. Vote blue for sense of humor 😜

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