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Vance says Trump didn’t lose 2020 election #finsubito agevolazioni


Nov 15, 2024 ##news, #a:politics, #Agevolazioni, #bookmakers elezioni americane, #didnt, #Election, #elezioni americane, #elezioni americane 2012, #elezioni americane 2020, #elezioni americane 2021, #elezioni americane 2024, #elezioni americane 2024 data, #elezioni americane 2024 sondaggi, #elezioni americane a che ora, #elezioni americane a che ora i risultati, #elezioni americane a che ora in italia, #elezioni americane a che ora si vota, #elezioni americane adesso, #elezioni americane affari politica e una civil war prefigurata, #elezioni americane aggiornamenti, #elezioni americane analisi, #elezioni americane andamento, #elezioni americane anni, #elezioni americane ansa, #elezioni americane anticipate, #elezioni americane app, #elezioni americane astrologia, #elezioni americane azioni, #elezioni americane ballottaggio, #elezioni americane biden, #elezioni americane bitcoin, #elezioni americane borsa, #elezioni americane bush, #elezioni americane candidati, #elezioni americane che giorno, #elezioni americane chi ha vinto, #elezioni americane chi sta vincendo, #elezioni americane chi vince, #elezioni americane cnn, #elezioni americane come funzionano, #elezioni americane come si vota, #elezioni americane come stanno andando, #elezioni americane countdown, #elezioni americane e borsa, #elezioni americane giorno, #elezioni americane live, #elezioni americane oggi, #elezioni americane ora italiana, #elezioni americane orario, #elezioni americane quando, #elezioni americane quando finiscono, #elezioni americane quando si vota, #elezioni americane risultati, #elezioni americane risultati quando, #elezioni americane sondaggi, #finsubito, #jd vance, #lose, #s:Politics, #t:Vertical, #The Washington Post, #trump, #vance, #WaPo Video, #Washington Post Video, #Washington Post YouTube

Republican vice-presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance (Ohio) asserted that former president Donald Trump did not lose the 2020 election on Oct. 16. Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube:

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35 pensiero su “Vance says Trump didn’t lose 2020 election #finsubito agevolazioni”
  1. Haha, he's a stuttering mess!! Donald did lose in 2020 and there was no voter fraud. Strange now that he's won this time, there's no talk of voter fraud.

  2. Chairman Xiden got 85 million votes in 2020, I don't think so. Trump was winning. They stopped the count so they could run the ballots repeatedly. There were places where there were more votes than registered voters. The whole country should follow the methods of those states that have their results in soon after the polls close. Such as the State of Florida, which covers two time zones. Yet will have a verdict within an hour.

  3. "No…not by the words I would use.." Try the words Yes or No you stuttering sleaze bag. Trump knew he lost and refused to concede, he's still lying about it and shady Vance is just as much of a liar.

  4. What was the American I know I am fed up with some of the Biden and Harris admin messed up I am fed up with their damn what you call it bad decision my house without them in there don't know who but they Obama

  5. When illegal aliens, by the MILLIONS, are allowed to invade the United States INTENTIONALLY, and the liberal party was behind this, and the liberal party is AGAINST voter I.D., it's pretty apparent that voter fraud is quite prevalent in today's elections!!!😈

  6. They just sued to keep noncitizens on the voter rolls in Virginia! No wonder people don’t trust the democrats!
    You want to be trusted? Try to win without lies, manipulation and defamation. And stop acting like you can’t possibly count the votes in one day with all the technology we have at our disposal. People suspect you because your behavior is suspicious.

  7. Did they not destroy the truth about the laptop that would have turned alot of dems away from biden. Yes. Did they all delete trumps accounts so he couldn't speak. Yes. You have to be stupid to not see the election interference in the 2020 elections.

  8. For whatever reason, maybe he’s just being nice- my answer would be- President Trump did in fact win the election in 2020 and Biden- Harris ended up in the White House by Democratic cheating. Big time. There was even a song written about it,”Trump Won and You Know It”

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