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The girl managed to pay off her debt and become a better person😏😱


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39 pensiero su “The girl managed to pay off her debt and become a better person😏😱 #finsubito agevolazioni”
  1. This is so realistic! Both girls AND men are going to easily suspend disbelief and identify with a cutthroat rithless maquiavelian 90-pound 5-feet tall psycopathic 20-something barista in a tracksuit with a babyface hero-woman.

  2. Wait a minute. Is this show trying to renormalize consumer bullying and abuse by debt collectors? That man doesn't know it, but he can sue them for $10k just because of what she did on that call.

  3. Debt collectors came after me for two years for unpaid medical bills when I donated a kidney. I had to explain a million times, I'm the organ donor – not the recipient. Those bills are not mine. I gave up a kidney. I am not going to pay the medical bills for that.

  4. Per the fair debt collection practices act debt collectors may not contact a third party about your debt. To do so makes the debt collector liable for damages. Also if a debt collector calls you just hang up. You have no obligation to talk to them. Definitely dont say you arent going to pay it. That opens you up for immediate litigation.

  5. Violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is not a laughing matter. Unauthorized disclosure to a third party, along with threatening to embarrass or humiliate somebody by revealing their status as a debtor, per se violations. Her company would be paying him and his lawyer.

  6. "just take it out of my account"
    That would already have happened.
    If a creditor can hit your banking account, they do that before contacting you. If fact, contacting you? Ya right.

  7. There is nothing cool or glamorous about collecting debt because u know most of them are victims of the banks , high living costs … basically they are poor. So you are helping the loan sharks .

  8. Women manipulation powers, something to behold; don't go into a lost war dudes, just save yourselves the pain, 'coz there's only pain there, they go straight for the feels

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