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What does the 2,400 represent?
Loans are required by the Truth in Lending law to disclose the interest rate. Leases are not covered by the truth in lending law. That is how they can mark the money factor up without you knowing it.
Leasing over financing or buying outright is a bad idea to begin with but if the masses have to have something new every so often… then yea
Is it always 2400?
“Money factor”. What a slimy way of getting around lending disclosures and laws.
I get my leases based on the advertised price. I did a lease where it was $485 with 2999 down. I got 487 because I dropped down some extra to cover registration and all the fees. If they hit you with some ridiculous price you gotta check the number
I buy my cars cash!
Thank you for ALL the GREAT insight and tips. 💯✔️
Happy New Year Yusuf, I hope you have a safe and prosperous New Year.
Where does the 2400 number come from
I was today years old when I learned this 💚