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26 pensiero su “Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!! #finsubito agevolazioni”
  1. Reverse mortgage STUPID. . Buying a $80,000 house in 1977, marrying the woman who broke up your family/marriage to them rack it up 10 to 11X. . lucky the estimated value is 1.6M but reverse mortgage is EATING up their equity FAST. She's blaming HIM, her 94 y/o recently injured husband for not selling. Covert narcissists use people; husbands, children, grandchildren for THEIR needs while judging others.

  2. This short is crazy but accurate and still unrealistic for the average person.. those bank accounts are LOANS.. despite their names, they are vehicles of debt the bankers love to trick us on..we've seen the movie where someone goes to a loan shark .. WE are that someone. You know how it is in the movie.. it's the same in real life .. except BRUNO & ROCKO are Bankruptcy and Foreclosure plus negative credit… Borrowed money is essentially a legal scam designed to give you ( whatever) for the loan amount and a decent amount of additional money.. except their decent hugely outweighs your decent. 😢😢😮😮

  3. They are too far away from the people that went through the depression that had nothing and had to pay for everything. Save your money up and then by what you want. I went two years without buying shoes or clothes or anything for the house because we did not have the money

  4. Easy to say for you: how to get through university? How to get to work on time (reasonable car)? What do you suggest instead of granite countertops?….we hate debt too…but what other options do we have?

  5. Well i disagree. I need a car to do the manual job i do because no busses run at that time, i wish i paid attention at school so i could go to university (initially rack up some debt which would be paid off with a better paid job) instead im stuck with my dead end job. The only way im going to afford a better living is by getting a loan for a course and net a better job. Things have been going wrong alot lately so ive been putting it off.

  6. Ramsey is absolutely wrong on credit credits. Credit cards aren't stupid, people who don't pay them off in full every month (and ensure ideal credit card utilization) are. Student loans are stupid for most, but not all, degrees.

  7. I took out abou 6000 on a car loan. Payed it back witihn a year. I need a reliable car for work and just getting around and was tired of buying shit that lastet under a year. Actually one of the smart things i have done

  8. Tell me how not to use them if you don't have any money at all what do people do that don't earn a lot and work two jobs who's trying to survive please tell me it is easier said than done when you have millions and I know yes you were broke a couple of times a bankrupt but you know it's not like that with some people we're just trying to survive!!!

  9. When you are in a desperate situation and the credit card is your only option to purchase gas, food, or pay your bills, then you have to do what you have to do. Just pay it off quick. How about Christians who are wealthy like Ramsey to help those out in situations like these, especially if they are part of the body of Christ. I was in a very difficult situation and was told by pastors and other church members in the past to pick myself by my own bootstraps. Hypocritical self righteous people who look down at others have no business claiming Christ. Thankfully I found a great church that cares for one another. Dave needs to put a sock in it. He shows no compassion, empathy, or the love of Christ.

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