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49 pensiero su “【完结】八岁那年,宋霜序被遗弃在空房子里自生自灭,沈聿把没人要的她捡了回去。她错将依赖当成爱被送出国。五年后,她偶遇哥哥的朋友贺庭州,她避之唯恐不及,却没想到会和他产生见不得人的关系! #finsubito agevolazioni”
  1. Ma auanto e bello lui.. ma bello bello 🤩🤩veramente tutti belli anche le attrici amooo estremo oriente …occhi profondi ..che meraviglia pure le storie..complimenti e quanto sei bellooo 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🫠🫶🏻💋💋💋💋💓

  2. ,

    I'm many mama no .




    . nanti. . Nn


    I'm off all my
    I'm in my room n
    . me.
    man I'm bmm can meet.,
    . mama meet. n
    . mama been feeling me. I'm

    ., ya mm








    I'm off

    can be
    can you be here in



    . .



    I'm off on


    I'm, ya

    damn off off of


    . can see

    it off






    I'm off all Nn..

    yes it .
    . can! mama is BB
    damn mm.
    .. ya Nn😊😅😊😅😅😅😮😅😮😅😅😅😅😅😅😮😊😅😮😊😅😅😊

  3. I love CaiCaiYun soooooooo much, ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤she is sooooo beautiful. i have been followed and watched all her movies for the last 3years!!!

    I love to see more movies of CaiCaiYun and

    1. Wang Yu Wei – Vương Vũ Uy
    2. Wang Yu Zhen – Vương Ngọc Thành
    3.Zhao Guan Yu – Triệu Quán Vũ
    4.Vương Khãi Mọc
    5.Lý Mục Dương
    6.Trầm Tư
    7. Ke Chun – Kha Thuần
    8.Zhang Li Ren
    9.Tô Sinh
    10.Chu Hằng Vũ
    11.Cao Duong
    12.Lưu Lan Bác – Liu Lan Bo
    13.Cao Duong
    14.Giang Phong

    In the future i wish CaiCaiYun will duets with:
    1.Tiểu Bạch Dương
    2.Tã Minh – Zuo Ming
    3.Ke Xuân- Ke Chun (kha thuần)
    4.Vương Ngạn Hâm
    5.Khổng Kỳ Lực
    6.Vương Bác
    7.Bạch Phương Văn
    8.Trần Quan Dịch

  4. 一个家庭有这样不分清红皂白的妈日子也算过到头了!更不要说领养的,这就是乱编的情节看了蒙圈,没有血缘关系怎么𣎴能结婚,是否脑子被水淹没了心!小篇是否玩弄大家的智商可恶!👎

  5. 这个姓王的演员在里扮演姓贺看他的集本,每次说话是这样的语气,也说是一个毒舌吧,可能是集本的需求,太毒会起反效果!不好完了!

  6. 感谢详细的分析! 我有一个快速的问题: 我的OKX钱包里有USDT,并且我有恢复短语. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). 您能解释一下如何将它们转移到Binance吗?

  7. Il film più bello di tutta la mia vita..mi sono innamorata assieme alla protagonista e mi sono goduta il film fino alla fine… tanto amore e tanta innocenza un bellissimo film ❤❤❤❤🎉

  8. 為什麼短劇女主服裝跟妝髮都很老氣…明明都很年輕看起來卻像熟女..套裝有年輕的…然後人設個性都是一樣的懦弱無能!沒事自己腦補..不說 不問 不求證..

  9. This movie pisses me off. The FL pisses me off. What a whimp! She lets everyone walk over her and hurt her. Her family treats her like shit! So ridiculous! Grow a spine and stand up for yourself!

  10. I am tired of in these dramas adults that act like teenagers or children. This drama had potential but the FL s character went from juvenile to crying to super submissive as if if she had no concept of who she was even though she spent 5 yrs in another country on her own. That experience makes you grow up and stand on your own. This dram is another example of a writer not understanding the backstory they give characters As is if they the writer has no life experience.

  11. ❤❤❤❤ RECOMMENDED ❤❤❤❤ great plot. Great acting. CP great. 🎉🎉🎉 love how she confidently gave her brother the reason why she chose the ML over him … because he is the only one who has chosen me unswervingly every time. ❤❤❤❤

  12. 😘🥰🥰🫶🫶🫶❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I love you both 🫶 Hope they have more movies coming that we give us more inspiration,love and trust ❤️❤️❤️ Take care and God bless you always ❤️❤️❤️

  13. ❤❤❤ this FL plays a sad character really well. I mean she can really do a great job of expressing a character that has experienced heartache. ❤❤❤❤❤ love her

  14. This is good and I like both leads but the Jin Jiayu's version was better. In that, the FL felt stronger/dignified because she thought her adopted brother was unaware of her feelings and ML's flirting was clearer so you can see her slowly falling for him

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