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36 pensiero su “The Truth About PRIME Inc Leasing #finsubito agevolazioni”
  1. Just remember the lease completion incentive is something you are paying into. They take so much per mile from you to feed it into that and your Tire Fund. So the more you sit, the less it is.

  2. It's picking up because people quitting left and right. I left after 8 months and the cameras was one reason and i stayed negative running continuously.

  3. As a previous prime driver and trainer you will find a trailer where the refer is low when the customer requires a full refer when you bring an empty to them especially with the meat places.

  4. I switched from company to owner op bcuz they kept calling me in to watch videos on how I drive and got tired of it getting in the way of making money. I was buying a truck with no camera. 🥳 You should try quarterly taxes. I liked it. Paying $1,000-$1,500 every 3 months for taxes. Trucking has gotten to the point to where it's no longer about making money. It's about controlling individuals or you can't make money. 🤷

  5. The lease completion bonus is just them giving your money back toy you they have been setting aside from your pay for the duration of your lease. Hardly seems like a bonus.

  6. I'd of started it and ran it for a bit. Hope you didn't have a hard crank. I'm sure you use anti gels in the fuel. Cold of winter is brutal on a truck just sitting there. I'd get as close as I could to the house and run sone strong lead cords. Plug that girl in. Keep the engine core warm. Be safe babgirl. ❤❤❤

  7. The guranteed 1850 for midwest regional at kllm honestly beats almost all lease program's and thats as a company driver. You get to take time off and not have a payment, sit all week and still make good money.

  8. Wow! Your fm is running you extremely well. My wife and I are in a 3yr lease-purchace at Prime so our payment is higher but our avg net is 4500-5000

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