Harris Goes All-Out in Mega Rally | Firstpost America | Subscribe to Firstpost
Over 70,000 people thronged to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. to see Vice President Kamala Harris deliver her closing arguments for the 2024 election season. Speaking from the same place where Donald Trump addressed MAGA supporters on January 6, 2021, which led to the Capitol Hill attack, Harris urged Americans to vote for the better leader. Harris also warned that another Trump Presidency would mean more division and hate in the country.
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That's all she does is complain about Trump God bless Trump and the USA
You lie
She never stood scrutiny in a primary.
75,000 votes don't win ya president lol
Pro Democrats bias…..shame
75k? Wheres the evidence?
How much are you paid and by whom? You should get your facts correct before speaking out loud.
It will be interesting… can a socialist/raised by a Marxist father convince people to be “unburdened from the past”. Lenin.
I would very much like being unburdened from the last four years of poor policy.
Tough competition is obviously expected in this election encounter. Good luck to both.
Trump Trump for world peace.
Its sad that your Network is for these psychopaths. You propagate the Democrates and defame Trump.
Shame on your Network. You never report anything positive about Trump.
You are lying
Trump 2024 baby!!!
Journalism is dead in America. So called Journalists are utterly unable to deliver News Stories without putting their personal views into the presentation. Power hungry former President or totally unqualified n idiotic Vice President….?
She is bestever Incompetant per The Peter Principle of Incompetence..