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Trump Claims High Tariffs Will Bring Companies to US #finsubito agevolazioni


Nov 30, 2024 #Agevolazioni, #bookmakers elezioni americane, #Bring, #claims, #Companies, #elezioni americane, #elezioni americane 2012, #elezioni americane 2020, #elezioni americane 2021, #elezioni americane 2024, #elezioni americane 2024 data, #elezioni americane 2024 sondaggi, #elezioni americane a che ora, #elezioni americane a che ora i risultati, #elezioni americane a che ora in italia, #elezioni americane a che ora si vota, #elezioni americane adesso, #elezioni americane affari politica e una civil war prefigurata, #elezioni americane aggiornamenti, #elezioni americane analisi, #elezioni americane andamento, #elezioni americane anni, #elezioni americane ansa, #elezioni americane anticipate, #elezioni americane app, #elezioni americane astrologia, #elezioni americane azioni, #elezioni americane ballottaggio, #elezioni americane biden, #elezioni americane bitcoin, #elezioni americane borsa, #elezioni americane bush, #elezioni americane candidati, #elezioni americane che giorno, #elezioni americane chi ha vinto, #elezioni americane chi sta vincendo, #elezioni americane chi vince, #elezioni americane cnn, #elezioni americane come funzionano, #elezioni americane come si vota, #elezioni americane come stanno andando, #elezioni americane countdown, #elezioni americane e borsa, #elezioni americane giorno, #elezioni americane live, #elezioni americane oggi, #elezioni americane ora italiana, #elezioni americane orario, #elezioni americane quando, #elezioni americane quando finiscono, #elezioni americane quando si vota, #elezioni americane risultati, #elezioni americane risultati quando, #elezioni americane sondaggi, #finsubito, #High, #tariffs, #trump

Former US President and #Republican presidential nominee Donald #Trump says strong #tariffs will help fuel economic growth. #Bloomberg #News Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait speaks to Trump at an event with the Economic Club of #Chicago

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29 pensiero su “Trump Claims High Tariffs Will Bring Companies to US #finsubito agevolazioni”
  1. Even if the factories moved to usa, they arent magically going to produce their products at the old price. They will produce them in a facility where they pay american rent, american wages, american logistics so the prices of everything will go up anyway. To all the people who think trump doesnt know this, ill say, i think he knows all of this. But he doesnt care as long as the idiots in the crowd clapping for him dont realize all this.

  2. If a company loses business because they are not Manufacturing in America it will take them about a minute and a half to start building their manufacturing plant IN America so that they sell their goods
    Trump is is speaking basic logic that the other guy just doesn't get

    Americans who don't support their fellow Americans by buying goods that are American made are really just leeches
    It's Amazing how everyone wants themselves to benefit but they don't want to support the local businesses
    You are destroying your own nation if you buy from overseas

  3. According to his best friend, Epstein, and I think Trump has demonstrated it already, Trump is only god at real estate and nothing else, and most of that is due to being a conman and having daddy's money to play with.

  4. Trump is the guru of the people. This is a perfect example of the legacy brainwashed media. Long live Trump and god bless the land of the free! The United States of America!! Free speech has returned!🙌

  5. Man's just going to make America unaffordable but politicians even richer Simpsons is right.. "remember when last administration tried focusing on the kids? Big mistake." Milhouse

  6. On your US archives. 52 % of the petroleum importation is from Canada, US bought from Quebec a tremendous amount of our hydro Electricity in the North. We are talking about cheap energy for the US people. It is not a good strategy to impose a 25 % tax on our product. US need a lot from Canada, he cannot play this kind of game, he will loose good collaboration. Lots of American never figure that Canada is bigger than USA, we produce too many fuel, too many electricity, our mind industry is at his beginning and we have everything you need in the North of our country. We have a shitty prime minister but it will change 😉💪🏼

  7. So I live in Canada. If we countervail with a 25% tariff on US goods just imagine inflation in both countries. Economy tanks in both countries. We are your biggest training partner. You buy grain, oil, electricity, auto parts and so much more. We buy all kinds of stuff from America. This goes through we are all screwed.

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