Former Pres. Barack Obama reminded us that Donald Trump inherited his economy. And the data proves it.
The average quarterly economic growth under Trump was 2.5%, almost exactly what it was under Obama’s second term: 2.4%. Trump’s pre-pandemic economy grew along trends established during Obama’s leadership, and there wasn’t a dramatic shift when Trump took office.
The data suggests Trump didn’t build a great economy — Obama did.
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Jive turkey 🦃
Barack Hussain Obama…
Biden spent 4 years cleaning up the mess trump left.
It's funny . If this were true it means Bill Clinton's economy was good because of Reagan and Bush Sr. YEAH ,I GOT YA. JUST STOP ALREADY
Obama the beggar
now he will try to claim Biden successes , No matter what, Obama will always come BEFORE Trump in Presidential History…..FACTS
You Obama is the reason why the US government is corrupt
You Tell Him Sir😂
❤❤❤ beautiful 😍❤️😍❤️ beautiful earth superb superb bestow bestow wisdom bestow goddess superbs wrights excellent 👌👌👌👍 👑 soften soften paams beautiful 🤩❤️
8 years of Corruption. Good one Husain, or whatever Barry
Obummer created fake facts, didn't happen
umm no it was; not, we had a great economy under Trump.Obama you were and are a useless person
Yeah but when Trump took over Obama's economy he still kept it a good economy. The Biden came in and destroyed it. That's why we wanted to Trump. Kamala said she wouldn't chnage anything Biden did. Meaning that we would live another 4 years of what we already had to suffer through.
Apparently felons are able to be president
Obama the worst president ever
That's right!! You were such an amazing president!!! God bless America 🇺🇸 🙏 ❤️
Lier lier 🤥
This dude is childish and now Donald Trump has to clean up the 4 years of joe biden kamala, and Obama messed ,
Wow you can read a book,wow lol.
Don't you see that
Long life to the best president of modern era BARACK OBAMA, ended two wars, Irak and Afghanistan, pulled the country out of the worst rescission since 1929 , and created millions of jobs like never before, long life to MR OBAMA 🙏🏼
Even African Americans say Trump never did anything for them.
That's true 👍 💯
…Sir, PLEASE go back to wherever you've been!
Remember, you couldn't even SAY what plans you had for addressing issues of the urban community.
No, it was not his economy. Obama supported increasing taxes on the middle class with his unlawful ACA tax on anyone who did not sign up for health insurance.