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Ohio bakery predicts US election results with cookies 🍪 #Trump #Harris #finsubito agevolazioni


Nov 18, 2024 #Agevolazioni, #bakery, #blue state, #bookmakers elezioni americane, #cookies, #democracy, #donald trump, #Election, #Election Results, #elezioni americane, #elezioni americane 2012, #elezioni americane 2020, #elezioni americane 2021, #elezioni americane 2024, #elezioni americane 2024 data, #elezioni americane 2024 sondaggi, #elezioni americane a che ora, #elezioni americane a che ora i risultati, #elezioni americane a che ora in italia, #elezioni americane a che ora si vota, #elezioni americane adesso, #elezioni americane affari politica e una civil war prefigurata, #elezioni americane aggiornamenti, #elezioni americane analisi, #elezioni americane andamento, #elezioni americane anni, #elezioni americane ansa, #elezioni americane anticipate, #elezioni americane app, #elezioni americane astrologia, #elezioni americane azioni, #elezioni americane ballottaggio, #elezioni americane biden, #elezioni americane bitcoin, #elezioni americane borsa, #elezioni americane bush, #elezioni americane candidati, #elezioni americane che giorno, #elezioni americane chi ha vinto, #elezioni americane chi sta vincendo, #elezioni americane chi vince, #elezioni americane cnn, #elezioni americane come funzionano, #elezioni americane come si vota, #elezioni americane come stanno andando, #elezioni americane countdown, #elezioni americane e borsa, #elezioni americane giorno, #elezioni americane live, #elezioni americane oggi, #elezioni americane ora italiana, #elezioni americane orario, #elezioni americane quando, #elezioni americane quando finiscono, #elezioni americane quando si vota, #elezioni americane risultati, #elezioni americane risultati quando, #elezioni americane sondaggi, #finsubito, #global news, #Government, #HARRIS, #Kamala Harris, #ohio, #ohio bakery, #ohio election, #ohio elections, #politics, #predicts, #President, #presidential election, #red state, #results, #swing state, #trump, #u.s. election, #undecided voters, #us 2024, #us election, #us election 2024, #us election ohio, #us election predictions, #US PRESIDENT, #us voters, #who will win us election

An Ohio bakery, a family-run business for nearly 100 years, is once again predicting the results of the upcoming U.S. election by counting the sales of cookies with cartoons of the presidential candidates’ faces on them. However, the owner is concerned that this year’s prediction may be off due to the intervention of a certain billionaire — Elon Musk. #USelection2024 #Trump #Harris #Ohio #elonmusk


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40 pensiero su “Ohio bakery predicts US election results with cookies 🍪 #Trump #Harris #finsubito agevolazioni”
  1. This cookie poll definitely beats the guy in denial abiut the failure of his “keys” to predict the winner!!
    He was wrong in 2000 and this time. The cookies were right except for 2020…and we all know why that is!!

  2. At least this bakery was willing to put Trump's image on a cookie. Our Republican group in Hobart Indiana ordered a cake for a large event we were having to celebrate Trump's victory and one of our local candidates. The bakery refused to put Trump's name on it. I then asked if they would just put the first names, Donald and the other person's on the cake. They refused to do that as well.

    We weren't asking for an endorsement and this was not a political message. It was a celebratory event to mark a real thing that happened.

    Extremely disappointed to find out the Costco is a shill for the Democrat machine.

    I brought the cake home with just the flag on it and bought some tubes of frosting at the store and tried to finish the decoration myself with the name Donald and the other person's first name. It didn't look great. So I had to explain to everyone at the event what happened. EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED IN COSTCO

  3. He started to send hundreds of trump cookie around the country… this year cookie test might be wrong…. Did he send harris cookie around the country ?

  4. So Elon shared your poll and suddenly you sold a bunch of Trump cookies? How is that interference? Just because you don’t agree with the outcome, doesn’t mean your “poll” is skewed. Only sell the Harris cookies then, and you won’t be disappointed.

  5. Really? Not everybody goes there. It must be A DIE TRUMP location. Why would people go all the way to the store for a cookie? The number is the same.

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