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Trump Eyes Indian-American Votes | Vantage with Palki Sharma | Subscribe to Firstpost #finsubito agevolazioni


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Trump Claims Hindus are Under Attack in Bangladesh | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Donald Trump has flagged the attacks on Bangladesh’s minority communities, including Hindus. His comments reflect a break from the current US policy of engaging with the interim regime in Dhaka. Is Trump eying the Indian-American votes with these remarks? Who will Indian-Americans pick? Palki Sharma tells you.

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Donald Trump | Diwali | Hindus | Bangladesh | Kamala Harris | Joe Biden | Indian Americans | India | US Elections 2024 | USA | Firstpost | World News | News Live | Vantage | Palki Sharma | News

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Vantage is a ground-breaking news, opinions, and current affairs show from Firstpost. Catering to a global audience, Vantage covers the biggest news stories from a 360-degree perspective, giving viewers a chance to assess the impact of world events through a uniquely Indian lens.

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37 pensiero su “Trump Eyes Indian-American Votes | Vantage with Palki Sharma | Subscribe to Firstpost #finsubito agevolazioni”
  1. Indian americans are currently the main brain trust behind silicon valley. don't get it twisted. elon knows this fact better than anybody else in the world

  2. डोनाल्ड ट्रंप जी न्याय प्रिय हैं शांति प्रिय है उनसे बड़ा अच्छा शासन कोई नहीं है अमेरिका में

  3. Neither harris is fan of any diaspora community, they both do politics to gain vote. So stop criticizing trump particularly. (And this lady says herself an unbiased journalist.)

  4. Trump has more sense than kamalaben. He may not necessarily like the Indian community, but he is intelligent enough to understand that he needs to respect and keep the Indian community in his good books. We contribute towards the economy and thus he cannot afford to lose our support. That is what a good leader is.

  5. 😂😂😂 Racism sometimes has undesired consequences for the racists. 😂 Trump is getting his wake up call now. Tomorrow we will elect our first female American president, who is stable with respect for fellow Americans, who will not drag America into a civil war driven by blunt racism. Combined with the racist statement made about Puerto Rican Americans in his recent rally 😅 a few days before election day …….. we clear thinking Americans still in the majority will keep Donnie far away from the White House, like we did in the 2020 election.

  6. Hindus have been attacked by muslims so many times. I do not understand India for further entertaining Islam and its negativity in India, for example the women who are made emotionless By forcing Hijab on young girls barely age 5-10 years of age, therefore they openly talk about killing others and using childrens as shield.

  7. 1. US started this coup in Bangladesh. US reps went to opposition powers just before this coup.
    2. In Bharat also UD reps went to meet opposition leaders before J&K polls and Haryana polls.
    3. Drump is harping this new song sbout Hindus.
    4. People dont ever trust US.

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