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Après des années de conflit, la capitale du Liban attire à nouveau les touristes et elle est devenue le point de ralliement de la jet-set moyen-orientale. Après la guerre, Tony Salamé a racheté à bas prix les immeubles bombardés du centre-ville. Ses emplacements, au cœur d’un quartier ultra-sécurisé, sont aujourd’hui convoités par les plus grandes marques. Une situation qui contraste avec le sud de la ville, contrôlé par le Hezbollah. L’organisation politique a recruté de nombreux sympathisants parmi les victimes de la guerre, notamment en finançant la reconstruction de logements.


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36 pensiero su “Business, tourisme et kalachnikov : les mille visages de Beyrouth #finsubito agevolazioni”
  1. Okay I know that it's called a thousand faces of Beirut and all but what was with the opening being focused on the Kataeb party? the Phalangists are straight up christian fascists responsible for some of the most utterly despicable mass killings and massacres to ever occur in Lebanon, and here you paint them as mere conservative nationalists without even mentioning their legacy at Sabra and Shatila, or Karantina, or Tel al-Zaatar, or even Ehden? Weird; Lazy journalism lacking nuance.

  2. Lebanon is a mix of Muslims that live very humbly and liberals who want just to enjoy any moment regardless of God Rules or morality, always will be war, the difference is some fight for money and degeneracy and others fight for religion and respect.

  3. J'ai arrêté de regarder ce reportage à partir de 19:30, quand le journaliste parle de lavage de cerveau sur des enfants libanais.
    Ce journaliste doit savoir que les libanais n'ont pas besoin de lavage de cerveau pour résister contre l'envahisseur israélien.
    Ces jeunes libanais de confession musulmanne ont raison de protéger leur pays contre l'Etat d'Israël ( je dis bien " État d'Israël mais non pas les juifs).
    J'invite à ce pseudo journaliste à lire les livres du Colonel Jacques Baud.

  4. Vous êtes très méchant vous les Libanais alors que vous êtes nombreux chez nous en Afrique précisément dans mon pays la côte d'ivoire. Actuellement plusieurs migrants libanais sont venu chez nous en côte d'ivoire juste il y a une semaine. Alors vous les Libanais vous êtes des mécréants

  5. Don't blame anyone but Hizbullah that has NO Lebanese identity but Iranian. Hizbullah has eaten entirely the Lebanese state, the Hizb has stolen the peoples' money in the banks. The Hizb has assassinated anyone who opposed it, including PM Rafic Hariri and many more. Hizbullah never listens, it saw what has happened in Gaza, everyone sensible has advised this terror Hizb to desist from attacking Israel lest it suffers the most terrible consequences, and now it is happening, but who is paying the price but the Lebanese people as usual? Hizbullah is a coward organization of terrorists, thieves, liars, manufacturers and smugglers of Captagon, Heroin, Cocaine and a lot more, but our Shiite siblings thought that Lebanon will become the Shiite State of Wilayat Al Faqih, now their dreams are over, even in Lebanon almost everyone hates them, except that the Lebanese are a merciful people and do not seek revenge on the weak, unlike what the Shiites during their days with Hizbullah who at every opportunity, they flexed their muscles on the Lebanese. Unfortunately for Lebanon, the voices of the people were drowned in the cockiness and arrogance of the coward Hassan Nusrallah and his gang of cowards and thieves, today Inshallah Allah has shown his justice, that when you kill, steal and mock an innocent people, your day will come as brutal as it may be. No human being can ever escape the justice of Allah, if the justice of human beings escapes you, the justice of Allah doesn't, even kings die when their time comes. Hizbullah like all other Lebanese and Palestinian militias has an Expiry time factor attached to its neck, now the expiry date of Hizbullah has arrived and Hizbullah is dying a painful death, a death very few Lebanese will cry for. There is a French saying that says, "Un homme avertit en vaut deux", unfortunately for this Terrorist Organization Hizbullah, it got so cocky and overconfident that it persistently refused to listen to reason and wisdom, now it is paying the price of its death. It believed in Iran's blatant lies, but Iran helps no one, it wanted to create a Persian Empire and was ready to fight to the last Arab, Lebanese included, today its dreams are over and will probably be even much worse soon. Allah's time is the best Inshallah.

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