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The World’s Largest Wind Farm has a Tiny Problem. Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code UNDECIDED for an extra 4 months free at It’s difficult to conceptualize the scale of wind turbines. Just one gigawatt is enough energy to power between 750,000 to a million US homes. Here in the United States, our largest wind farm is the Alta Wind Energy Center in California, which has been able to produce 1.5GW. But even the Alta facility is dwarfed by the Gansu Wind Farm in China: a 20 GW colossus and the biggest wind farm in the world. So how did it become home to the world’s biggest wind farm? Can we replicate this achievement elsewhere? And most importantly, why is a wind farm large enough to power an entire country sitting mostly idle?

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00:00 – Intro
00:55 – The Gansu Wind Farm
06:53 – Gansu’s Curtailment Issues
08:46 – How Energy Storage Can Help
10:48 – Challenges & Takeaway


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32 pensiero su “The World’s Largest Wind Farm has a Tiny Problem #finsubito agevolazioni”
  1. Glass houses you say? Are you trying to imply that the US is worse than China when it comes to emissions? Because that's simply a misrepresentation of the facts. Who gives a 💩 what the relative populations are? How many Chinese still live in poverty? Those people are hardly driving emissions. Nevermind the gdp/capita difference. No. The Chinese own the highest emissions and it continues to rise there as it falls in the US.

  2. So the only viable and clean energy is Nuclear Energy ! Not solar or windmill ! Too much space needed , it is also produce waste , another space for scrap yard for recycled blades , another space for warehouses of batteries / storage plant because they cant produced 24/7 not always windy or sunny or winter or sandstorm or hurricane in offshore seas !

  3. How about using efficient high-voltage DC (HVDC) to get the electricity to the customer? Forget batteries. Use high-efficiency coal-fired gas turbines that are quick to start and will take care of demand during periods when the Sun doesn't shine and the winds don't blow. (Cut down on the use of coal and average out the cost of power.) In the meantime, we should bring manufacturing back to the United States. It seems slightly unfair to say we have reached our goals for carbon neutrality when all we have done is move our pollution to China.

  4. One thing that scientists haven't made it into electric power : " Gravity " 24h. available at anywhere and anytime without cost that could meet enironmental issues !

  5. Admirers of Red China: do you remember the,"Great Leap Forward", the war on sparrows and cardboard apartments that people bought and which, to-day, are mostly under-occupied and crumbling? These are just some of the "wonders" of a top-down economy.

  6. There are windmills near my house, and I recently drove by them. Out of nine windmills, none were spinning even though windmills nearby were. Windmills are an inefficient, intermittent, expensive energy source that consume massive amounts of land, steel, copper, concrete and composite material for the blades. Nuclear power is vastly more efficient.

  7. No not at all – Forget Wind and Solar – Nuclear power is the future, reliable at all time, most important independent of wind and sun

  8. wind is energy, wind powers the climate. At what point do we extract enough energy = kill the wind that it has an irreversible impact on the world climate machine.

  9. No! America has different geography and tornadoes over the windy area!
    For highly populated cities, local solar & hydrogen energies should apply!
    Step out of carbon emissions but evaluate on overall sustainable energies!
    God bless America & the World with wisdom & prosperity! 🙏❤🙏

  10. 02:37 … is this why China is building hundreds of new coal-fired power plants? Don't believe the propaganda from China. If they say "they will do this or that", it's easy to say what you want, but actions speak louder than words. Their increase in coal-fired plants has made China's coal-power the number one use of coal even combining every coal-fired power plant in the world, China still has more – and they are still building more.
    China, with no regulations on emissions, has the dirtiest coal-fired power plants in the world, too. Yes, that includes the new power plants they are building.
    China can SAY they are going green, but what they are actually doing is just the opposite.

  11. To buy into the belief that wind energy will get us closer to net zero is laughable. It's just another source of (intermittent) electricity. It's not green energy 🤡

  12. I doubt anyone would grasp what the size is of 426500 football fields. Might be better to use Maryland or Hawaii as comparison which are around 20% to 30% smaller than those 39000 km2

  13. Unlikely in the United States. We have the Environmental Protection Act and each state has its own version. Germany "may" have discovered a problem with wind energy. At scale it begins modifying wind, moisture and precipitation patterns. At least that is a hypothesis being investigating. It would be interesting to evaluate the effect of such a massive project. And, we have not touched on disposal of all that material that cannot be recycled.

  14. Unsure what this Propaganda video theme actually is?
    Promote Dictatorial Stupidity!? Promote a Green Scam?? Whybnot simply Admit you're actually a Communist Sponsored Death to Western Democracies Channel 😂🎉science on full bacwardness where all important Energy EXTRA Carbon POLLUTION Facts are not expose!!! How did those Turbines been built and put up!!! By Wind or Solar Energy!!!??? 99% NOP!!! So Tiring to listen to "Science" that is only Communist Propaganda!!! 😂🎉
    No offence but your among those "Smartest Idiots" our WEstern World ever YouTube Produced 😂 1st PRICE ALL ACCOUNTS🎉⭐️😎🌑🖐

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