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🔥 Want to become a client of Jasmine’s? Accounting, IRS Tax Resolution, and Tax Leverage:

🔥 Accountant looking to grow your firm? See how Jasmine can help:


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Jasmine DiLucci has specialized in tax since high school when she first became licensed to represent taxpayers before the IRS.

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Now as a tax attorney and CPA, she works with individuals and business owners across the nation to on Tax Planning, CFO Advisory, and IRS Tax Resolution

How Jasmine Got Here…

18: Became an Enrolled Agent, licensed to represent taxpayers before the IRS.
22: Earned an Accounting Degree and a Master’s in Finance.
23: Became a CPA
24: Stepped into leadership as she took over her own CPA firm
26-28: Juggled full-time studies at SMU Law while she was growing her CPA firm.
28: Graduated from law school 4th in her class and became an Attorney, all while managing her CPA firm.
29-31: Expanded her CPA firm to seven figures, with a focus on delivering top-notch service and exceptional value to every client.
32: Launched Tax Leverage to offer free online education and combat the rise of “tax gurus,” aiming to provide real, accessible tax knowledge.
Today: She’s dedicated to running her firm and leveraging her expertise to educate and empower others, helping individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of taxes and finance.


Disclaimer: This information on this channel is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional legal or tax advice.

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# # #jasminedilucci


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La rete #adessonews è un aggregatore di news e replica gli articoli senza fini di lucro ma con finalità di critica, discussione od insegnamento, come previsto dall’art. 70 legge sul diritto d’autore e art. 41 della costituzione italiana.
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24 pensiero su “The One Thing Most Credit Reports will Miss! #finsubito agevolazioni”
  1. Like doctor Mike says " Chest compressions chest compressions chest compressions"

    You should say " Check your transcripts, check your transcripts.Check your transcripts"

    Make a shirt! 😂

  2. Most Taxpayers and Voters probably don't even know this .
    The IRS Destroyed so many people Credit by Placing Tax Liens on their Credit.
    People Who Dislike or Hate President TRUMP don't have a Clue about all the Things he have Done to Improve everyone lives in this Country

  3. #1 the IRS is not a creditor, why trump changed it. #2 marriage is a scam in the US to give the courts the rights over your legal tender/property, get married by word, not paper. For all the men young and old, never sign into an agreement which is statistically used the majority of the time to screw your life up!

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