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20 pensiero su “Bando Kd PS Murder Investigation #finsubito agevolazioni”
  1. KC found nothing funny in the room Diey 😂 that mf is NOT funny. I just zaw gorilla nems clip they were saying how ppl make hating sound lile ther joking around. Thems the true haters that do that. In this case, the true cops are doing that same type shit. Making truth sound like a joke or a lie. Smfh ya'll shoulda walked out. All of u.

  2. Y’all must ain’t really watch the video of the shooting cause they shot at him first , you can see him jump like the bullets went passed him then he pulled his out and started shooting

  3. I swear Adam22 and the black guy next to em even sound like fbi with the small jokes 😂😂 the guy on the side of Adam said he be tuning into the lives so that sums everything up 🤦🏽‍♂️

  4. ‘Pat this N down’ whilst on a live feed to the entire world talking about killing and robbing etc whilst taking music videos doing the same thing. Yeah bro yall are slow like so slow to the point these Latin-American gangs are going to wipe yall tf out. If Trump doesn’t save yall and deport all of them yall are done and there will be no more African American gangs yall are dealing with actual gang members now actual killers.

  5. Why the hell do you people sit down and have interviews with this jerk off it's well known that he gives information to the police and to the feds anybody who sells their wife for sex for authors their wife to sleep with them is a fucking idiot let this fucking jerk off fade to Black stay away from

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