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Crazy Cat Lady: the Feral Cat Crisis in Los Angeles #finsubito mutuo 100%


Set 15, 2024 #adoption, #Angeles, #animal, #appartamento allʼasta a Agrigento, #cat, #city, #Crazy, #Crisis, #danger, #Documentary, #feline, #Feral, #finsubito, #full report, #hd, #interview, #Lady, #Los, #mutuo, #report, #rescue, #safe, #Search, #testimony, #unusual, #vendita immobile Alessandria, #vendita immobile Ancona, #vendita immobile Aosta, #vendita immobile Arezzo, #vendita immobile Ascoli-Piceno, #vendita immobile Asti, #vendita immobile Avellino, #vendita immobile Bari, #vendita immobile Barletta-Andria-Trani, #vendita immobile Belluno, #vendita immobile Benevento, #vendita immobile Bergamo, #vendita immobile Biella, #vendita immobile Bologna, #vendita immobile Bolzano, #vendita immobile Brescia, #vendita immobile Brindisi, #vendita immobile Cagliari, #vendita immobile Caltanissetta, #vendita immobile Campobasso, #vendita immobile Carbonia Iglesias, #vendita immobile Caserta, #vendita immobile Catania, #vendita immobile Catanzaro, #vendita immobile Chieti, #vendita immobile Como, #vendita immobile Cosenza, #vendita immobile Cremona, #vendita immobile Crotone, #vendita immobile Cuneo, #vendita immobile Enna, #vendita immobile Fermo, #vendita immobile Ferrara, #vendita immobile Firenze, #vendita immobile Foggia, #vendita immobile Forli-Cesena, #vendita immobile Frosinone, #vendita immobile Genova, #vendita immobile Gorizia, #vendita immobile Grosseto, #vendita immobile Imperia, #vendita immobile Isernia, #vendita immobile L ʼAquila, #vendita immobile La-Spezia, #vendita immobile Latina, #vendita immobile Lecce, #vendita immobile Lecco, #vendita immobile Livorno, #vendita immobile Lodi, #vendita immobile Lucca, #vendita immobile Macerata, #vendita immobile Mantova, #vendita immobile Massa-Carrara, #vendita immobile Matera, #vendita immobile Medio Campidano, #vendita immobile Messina, #vendita immobile Milano, #vendita immobile Modena, #vendita immobile Monza-Brianza, #vendita immobile Napoli, #vendita immobile Novara, #vendita immobile Nuoro, #vendita immobile Ogliastra, #vendita immobile Olbia Tempio, #vendita immobile Oristano, #vendita immobile Padova, #vendita immobile Palermo, #vendita immobile Parma, #vendita immobile Pavia, #vendita immobile Perugia, #vendita immobile Pesaro-Urbino, #vendita immobile Pescara, #vendita immobile Piacenza, #vendita immobile Pisa, #vendita immobile Pistoia, #vendita immobile Pordenone, #vendita immobile Potenza, #vendita immobile Prato, #vendita immobile Ragusa, #vendita immobile Ravenna, #vendita immobile Reggio-Calabria, #vendita immobile Reggio-Emilia, #vendita immobile Rieti, #vendita immobile Rimini, #vendita immobile Roma, #vendita immobile Rovigo, #vendita immobile Salerno, #vendita immobile Sassari, #vendita immobile Savona, #vendita immobile Siena, #vendita immobile Siracusa, #vendita immobile Sondrio, #vendita immobile Taranto, #vendita immobile Teramo, #vendita immobile Terni, #vendita immobile Torino, #vendita immobile Trapani, #vendita immobile Trento, #vendita immobile Treviso, #vendita immobile Trieste, #vendita immobile Udine, #vendita immobile Varese, #vendita immobile Venezia, #vendita immobile Verbania, #vendita immobile Vercelli, #vendita immobile Verona, #vendita immobile Vibo-Valentia, #vendita immobile Vicenza, #vendita immobile Viterbo, #wild, #yt:cc=on

An eclectic group of dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to mitigate the feral cat crisis in Los Angeles by trapping, spaying/neutering, fostering and adopting out as many cats as they can–but the challenge is immense and never-ending.

Director : Garrett Clancy
Cast : Drew Weidhaas, Donna Simms, Ady Gil, Tricia Helfer, Esmeralda Alvarez
Year : 2022
Full documentary


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44 pensiero su “Crazy Cat Lady: the Feral Cat Crisis in Los Angeles #finsubito mutuo 100%”
  1. To the first young man in this documentary, if you ever need someone that can foster up to six little kittens, please reach out to me. We live very close to each other and I’ve done fostering for over 40 years and did TNR in the past as well.
    Thank you for all your doing and for your big warm caring heart. I appreciate what you’re doing . 💜

  2. We have a feral cat problem here in Virginia too. I never intended to have cats, but now I have three—all of them just showed up at my house at different times. One of them was gravely ill when she arrived. I called Animal Control, hoping they could help, but I was told that in our county, cats are considered free-roaming animals, so they won’t intervene. Their advice? 'Don’t feed them.'

    I didn’t want cats. One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do was put down my 13-year-old Labrador, and it broke my heart. I couldn’t even think about getting another pet for years. After a decade, I was finally ready to consider getting another dog, but then the first kitten showed up—starving and covered in fleas. I couldn’t just leave her to suffer, so I took her in.

    The other two cats followed, each in bad shape and in need of human help to survive. It feels like the county’s policy is to let them get sick and die, and it’s only making the problem worse. A more humane and effective solution, like TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) programs, could at least help control the population and reduce suffering, but they’ve washed their hands of the issue.

  3. Cats are hunters you nut. When they live under the open sky is more natural to them, than living in your house locked inside. It kills their instincts, someof them doesn't even know what to do with a little mouse, meanwhile it should be it's primary food source. World is on fire by idiots.

  4. Yo llevo rescatando gatitos en Los Angeles desde 2010 y hoy por hoy llevo más de 70 en total. Me toca muy difícil ya que solo la comida es bastante dinero mensual y las castraciones aún más. Me encantaría muchísimo poder encontrar un lugar donde los puedan mostrar y que sean adoptados por personas que los amen, tengo 14 bebés en espera de completar peso y edad para ser esterilizados.

  5. 21.21 Oh a vegan cat man just what I was looking for years and years ago – I'm a crazy vegan cat lady living in London all I ever wanted was a vegan cat man but never found him and now I'm 70

  6. Homeless cats, dogs or humans; welcome to California!
    This state has too many non profits and NGO's sucking a living off of the gov't and donation welfare to ever fix the problem. The jobs are too coushy.


  8. My wild kitten had kittens when it was -15 f out. I took them to an upscale Mexican grocery store on that Sunday morning. A couple of college girls took them. I was screaming buddy babies over and over to get her to come back. You would have thought I was screaming over the Rio River. Great spirit bless our new immigrants

  9. Hmmm.. bowl-cut hair (representation), VERY young, man-boy-painting-fingernails-black (again, representation)… y'all aren't outright saying it, but y'all sure are DISPLAYING it. : / At least from the little that I did watch. Can't leave the idealistic agendas alone, CAN you?!? '

    WHY not just show "normal" dudes or chicks saving cats??? o.0

  10. I LOVE YOU
    Am also involved in rescuing feeding feral cats

  11. I volunteer at a shelter 5 nights a week. If people would just fix there animals things wouldn't be so bad.instead of buying a full breed dog or cat go to your shelter plz. Here in canada u can adopt an animal for 2 hundred fixed in the shelter. I have 4 cats that all needed love. Litter is cheapest at costco ❤

  12. Feral cats are all over California. The cities don’t care, they don’t do anything. My neighbor has over 30 cats and the city said we have to fix the issue ourselves. I wish they at least provided with free spay and neuter so we can get all the cats and get them fixed. But they don’t. The lady is elderly and disabled.

  13. Invasive cats and dogs are big issue all over the world, I think that pet people have a psychological disorder that disables them to think sensibly when it comes to their “pets” and “feral pets” as a whole and the impact they have the local ecosystems around them.

  14. Bless you 🙏 you are Angel Cat Lady 😅
    Most of all like a dog than a cat. In Islamic country could never have a crisis cat, cause they love cat.

  15. I've rescued my share of cats, but cat food is now the price of tuna fish, litter is 10 bucks etc. vets cost what a Dr visit costed 5 years ago.
    After this kitty is gone , I'm done

    Thanks Joe f n POS

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